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Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Word From Glenn McWilliams

Awakening in the Word
By Glenn McWilliams

The first book of the Torah is known by several different names. The Hebrew name of the first book follows the ancient, Near East custom of naming a book by its opening word or words. The first word of the Torah is the Hebrew word Bereshit, which means "In the beginning." Since this book opens with the creation narrative, it is also called Sefer B'ri'at Ha-Olam, which is "Book of the Creation of the Universe." Other Hebrew names for this book are Sefer Ha-Yashar or Sefer Ha-Y'sharim, "The Book of the Upright (Ones)," referring to the lives of the patriarchs whose story is told in this book. This first book is also called Sefer Toldot, "The Book of Generations," in reference to the ten times the phrase "These are the generations of. . ." is used.(1) The English title "Genesis" is derived from the Greek and Latin titles found in the Septuagint and Vulgate respectively, which may best be translated as "Origins."

It may be argued that the verses of this particular Torah portion are in realty the most important verses in the Scriptures. It is in these opening verses of the Torah that we first encounter the Creator of the universe and discover His identity and character. All history has its origin in this opening narrative of creation. We also discover the reality that the universe is not a random or serendipitous accident of nature, but the fruit of the expressed will of an infinitely intelligent designer. Through this revelation we come to understand that creation has been endowed with value, meaning, and purpose. In the structure of this narrative we likewise witness that this value, meaning, and purpose is especially and emphatically endowed upon humanity in a very unique calling. It is in these opening verses of the Torah that the family tree of all humanity has its roots and origin.


Bereshit 1:1-2 The creation of the substance of heaven and earth
Bereshit 1:3-5 The creation of light
Bereshit 1:6-8 The creation of the firmament
Bereshit 1:9-13 The creation of dry land and plant life
Bereshit 1:14-19 The creation of the sun, the moon, and the stars
Bereshit 1:20-23 The creation of fish and fowl
Bereshit 1:24-25 The creation of other animal life
Bereshit 1:26-31 The creation of humankind
Bereshit 2:1-3 The creation of the Sabbath

Suggested Study Topic and Questions:

1. Why did YHWH wait until Sinai to reveal His instructions to Moses?
2. Who is the Creator?
3. What is the meaning of Elohim, and why is it plural?
4. What is the nature and character of the Creator?
5. Why is the first letter of the Torah significant?
6. What is the purpose of creation?
7. What is the purpose of man? What is the purpose of Israel?
8. What significance is the creation narrative to the children of Israel?
9. What does it mean to be the image of Elohim?
10. What is the meaning of the Sabbath?

This is a small portion of the weekly Torah portion study available at our website. These teachings will soon be available on DVD, study guide, and commentary for each weekly Torah portion. This is a sign up group only, the entire package is only $35.00 a week. Email to sign up or get more information.

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