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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Shavuot Celebration

What a feast it was! Hundreds of men, women and children gathered in Denver, CO to feed on Glenn McWilliams' teaching of the Word as water and his in-depth commentary on the Torah portion. Michael Rood walked us through Acts 1 & 2 and the Book of Revelation in his special teaching style that makes scripture come alive. We joined in praise and worship with Jimmie Black, Paul Wilber, Brenda Wheeler and the Israeli Celebration Dancers. Judith Rood updated us on the Lydia World Outreach Project with many pictures from her recent trip to Israel. Our children met with Mrs. Noah in the Ark Room for their own Torah class with crafts and games.

On Saturday night as Paul Wilber led us in worship, he called all the men to the front. What an awesome moment as the men worshipped in song and then Paul and the assembly prayed for them and spoke blessing over them.

That same night, all the children attending Mrs. Noah's Torah Tales class came in with the puppets they had made and sang for us. If you are like me, nothing touches my heart like seeing my grandchildren learning Torah and praising Yahweh.

Monday morning while many of us were packing and leaving for home, several people asked Michael if they could have a mikveh service in the outdoor swimming pool. He agreed and a line formed at the pool along with many witnesses. When the mikveh was done, Michael went back inside. Soon he noticed another group gathered by the pool and went out again - MIKVEH #2! What a glorious close to our Shavuot gathering!!

We will offer a post conference special on all CD's and DVD's of the event.

There is a buzz in the air about another big event! If you would be interested in attending The Feast of the Trumpets in October to be held in Atlanta or Nashville, please call the office and submit your vote so that we can plan our next gathering. 616-583-0200

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