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Monday, August 4, 2008

Texas Tirade

One balmy August night outside of San Antonio, Texas, I strapped a cassette player to my belt, nestled the headphones over my ears and began a planned 45-minute walk on a deserted road to allow me to focus my attention on a teaching that came out of a messianic conference in the northeast. The title of the teaching was, "The Feasts of Adonai", which should have tipped me off that this was going to be an anemic, limp wristed version of a topic that had become my fiery passion in life.

That night in Texas will live in my brain forever. I listened to the teacher, so highly praised by his colleagues as he read from Leviticus 23:24;

". . .In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a Sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation."

He then expounded from the depths of his seminary-trained soul, "that is about all we know about the Day of Trumpets - except for the fact that we now call this feast Rosh Hashanah - the head of the year."

"What do you mean, "we" now call this feast!!!" I yelled loud enough to awaken the sleeping armadillos, "do you have a mouse in your pocket? I am certainly not in the group that you consider "we" - nor is this all we understand about the Day of Trumpets!"

I went into a tirade that lasted well over an hour as I lectured this purported teacher on the difference between following the Messiah and following the religious system Yahshua exposed as a fraudulent imitation of true Torah. I listened for a few minutes more and then I really blew up (as I am only free to do on an abandoned road a mile from the nearest ranch gate.) For the next several hours I walked that Texas trail in body, but I was at that conference in my mind and spirit. I poured out my soul to these people who named the name of the Messiah but were being led down the path of ignorance by teachers who were busy blowing smoke up each other's kippahs.

I arrived back at my point of departure as the sun blued the morning sky. My solitary seminar was over, the armadillos adequately impressed, and I took a short nap before departing for Two Harbors, Minnesota. There was no question what I would be teaching for the next six weeks leading up to the Day of Trumpets. In the end, it would take over 14 hours to teach some of what we know about the Feast of Trumpets.

For those who will leave paganized Christianity behind to follow the real Yahshua, and for those who will leave the man-made rules and twisted traditions of pharisaic Judaism behind to follow the real Messiah, the Feasts of Trumpets and yes, all of the Feasts of Yahweh, hold treasures so precious that I was compelled to sell all that I owned and buy the field.

Come celebrate with me in Detroit before I buy the farm. We will be mining the gold of the Word for the entire weekend with Glenn McWilliams, Mrs. Noah, Jimmy Black, Pastor Phil (Kosher) Bacon, Brenda Wheeler, and a cast of thousands. Come join me for my Texas Tirade - eleven years later.

". . .And that's about all we know about the Day of Trumpets???"

Only in your sick, twisted, Pharisee leavened mind!!!

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